Come Visit The Front & Centre Pop-up Shop !
Located at 1830 Weston Road, our pop-up shop Front & Centre is where our young creative entrepreneurs aged 18-29 sell their products and services. Consumers who purchase from this location will not only be having their needs met, but will also be supporting a small youthful and thriving business. The goal of our pop-up shop is to give young adults the opportunity to sell their products in a brick and mortar space at a very affordable price. We also help our young and inspired vendors by continuously marketing their products on all of our social media platforms and through traditional marketing.
The Front & Centre pop-up shop is currently working with 14 vendors. Products that you can find at Front & Centre include cosmetics, hair care, feminine hygiene, eye lashes, clothing apparel, candles, accessories, health and fitness, and mental health workbooks.
If you or someone you know is between the ages of 18-29 and are looking to sell a product in our shop, please send an email to
At Frontlines, we are always striving to amplify our youths’ voices and empower them to achieve their fullest potential.