Yolan Bowen-Onyeka
Board Member

Give and it shall be given unto you.

This is one of the philosophies of life that I live by. What is the purpose of life on this earth if we do not look for ways to give to others; our families, friends, community/ies, the world? I have demonstrated this giving and continue to demonstrate giving in the various facets of my life.


 I am a biological mother to a beautiful daughter who just turned 18.
 A parent to teenaged girls through my work with Children’s Aid Society
 A new wife to my wonderful husband Ike
 A Property Manager of a small team of reports and a tenant body of 260 tenants (0ver 20
years in the field providing service/giving)
 I’ve volunteered for almost all my adult life starting as a big sister mentor with CAS in my
University days some 30 years ago.
 Was secretary on the board of Directors for JFCCO.
 Held elected positions on the Parent council for the Africentric Alternative School 2009-
 Sunday School worker at various local churches; Toronto Church of Christ, Rhema
Christian Ministries. 15 years
 Secretary/treasurer, PR Officer, ASOSA 2021-2023


I’m confident that with the desire and skills I posses, I can give back to the Weston community through my partnership with Weston Frontlines Centre primarily in governance. It would be my pleasure to represent the organization, support the work they are doing in the area and give back to the families in the Weston Road community.